Taipei, Saturday, Sep 28, 2024, 03:19


Post-Show Report: SENSOR + TEST 2014

By Liu Linwei
Published: Aug 11,2014

This year’s exhibition was held at the Nuremberg Exhibition Center in Halls 11 and 12 as well as outdoor exhibition spaces and other conference venues. The exhibition was also held in combination with other events, such as the European Telemetry and Test Conference (etc2014), the 34th Conference of European telemetry test, and the ITG/GMA-Fachtagung Sensoren und Messsysteme and ANSYS Conference & 32. CADFEM Users' Meeting 2014, which were held by the Association of German Engineers (VDI).

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In addition, the organizers conferred a prize of 10,000 euros to the University of Stuttgart and Mahr GmbH team as the winners of the AMA Innovation Award 2014 in honor of the results of their Interferometer research.

The SENSOR+TEST 2014 exhibition project covered components and solutions for sensing, measuring, and testing. Meanwhile, etc2014 primarily covered telemetrics, telecontrolling, test instrumentation, and data processing.

Figure 1 :   This year’s SENSOR+TEST 2014 (detection and sensor exhibition) was held in early June in Nuremberg.
Figure 1 : This year’s SENSOR+TEST 2014 (detection and sensor exhibition) was held in early June in Nuremberg.

The applications included a variety of sensing and detection technologies for air pressure, humidity, temperature, gaseous matter, acoustic waves, noise, images, electronic identification, micro-electromechanical devices, and 3D printing. In addition to forward-looking research, solutions were also exhibited for domains already in use, such as livelihood, aerospace, automobile, industrial, biotech, and information and communications.

Figure 2
Figure 2

According to post-exhibition statistics, there were a total of nearly five hundred and seventy-five participating organizations (or manufacturers) from thirty countries. It attracted at least eight thousand professional visitors from Europe, Mainland China, Japan, and Korea.

This was a small growth from last year’s five hundred forty-three participating organizations and seven thousand eight hundred people. According to this writer’s personal eyewitness observations and analysis, manufacturers from Mainland China were very active in their participation, which may be one reason why there was an increase in both the number of organizations that exhibited products and the number of observers when compared to last year.

Figure 3
Figure 3

Regrettably, the exhibition was not well attended by manufacturers or observers from Taiwan. This is completely different when compared to the iENA International Trade Fair, which attracted the interest of Taiwanese people from all walks of like.

While the atmosphere in the exhibition was full of excitement, outside the conference in the hot and sunny weather, the SENSOR+TEST 2014 dropped the curtain on next year’s exhibition which will take place in late May of next year in Nuremberg. Hopefully next year readers can bring back more reports from the exhibition.

Figure 4
Figure 4

Figure 5
Figure 5

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