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FIND: Mobilization of Social Networking, Gaming, and News Reading are Market Trend

By Vincent Wang
Published: Jun 25,2014

This chart shows how Taiwanese are using the Apps(source:FIND)

TAIPEI, Taiwan — According to the statistics from Foreseeing Innovative New Digiservices (FIND), in the past half year of 2014, among the 17 kinds of App, LINE, facebook, and Taiwan's Apple Daily are the top three Apps in Taiwan. The survey also shows content is everything, if the Apps providers couln't match the need from users, the Apps would not be used.

Since it's the era of diversity of media, users' loyalty to specific Apps are decreased. For example, Candy Crush, an App game that has been chosen as the No.1 App game by users, however, there are 30.2 percent of users said that they don't open Candy Crush anymore.

On the other hand, social networking, news or magzine's Apps feature timely and communication, and still have great amount of users that shown its another feature, short life cycle of Apps. Keep updating these Apps are important in case of losing users.

The survey can be viewed in this way, taking Apps' category into account, 68 percent of users use social networking Apps, 52 percent of users use game Apps, and 47 percent of users use news or magzine's Apps.

Moreover, the survey indicates that among smart devices users in Taiwan, the average of downloaded Apps for each user are 22.5, they only use 7.5 downloaded Apps at least once in two weeks, referring to there are many downloaded Apps are not being used.

Last but not least, Taiwan ranks fifth in the Asia-Pacific region in terms of unlicensed software use, with an average 38 percent of software installed on personal computers not properly licensed, according to the results of BSA.

The Business Software Alliance (BSA) Global Software Survey also shows that the rate at which PC software was installed without proper licensing around the world in 2013 was 43 percent, representing a commercial value US$62.7 billion.

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