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CEI Records High: Wearable Devices Most Expected

By Korbin Lan
Published: Jan 21,2015

TAIPEI, Taiwan - Taipei Computer Association (TCA) a few days ago held its 2015 first quarter prosperity and confidence index survey of COMPUTEX exhibitors(COMPUTEX Exhibitor Index;CEI). The survey showed that this year’s CEI index is at its highest since the third quarter of 2011 and that Taiwanese export manufacturers have a positive outlook for recovering prosperity in 2015. Confidence is especially high for industries related to smart cities and wearable devices.

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This quarter’s survey was from December 24, 2014 to January 8, 2015, and a total of 277 information technology companies replied. Over 80% of the companies had optimistic or improving expectations for prosperity in the first quarter, with an average index of 1.9. Among them, 32% were optimistic or extremely optimistic, 32% believed there would be small improvements, 19% believed levels would stay the same, and 19% were pessimistic about prosperity in the first quarter.

For the scope of company capital, the average index for medium-sized enterprises was highest at 2.03, which shows that medium sized enterprises have the most optimistic predictions for prosperity.

According to analyses of industry categories, industries related to 3D applications and wearable devices had the highest growth indexes. This was especially the case for smart wearable devices, which had the highest index of 2.63, placing them in the extremely optimistic zone.

In addition, confidence indexes for smart cities and Internet of Things (IoT) installations, industrial computers, and POS supply chains were all above 2, which was in the optimistic zone. The installation product category has become the largest growing category of registered companies at this year’s COMPUTEX computer exhibition, which shows that manufacturers are prepared for expanding overseas markets.

(TR/Phil Sweeney)

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