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Intel Announces New AI, 5G and Autonomous Driving Solutions

By Korbin Lan
Published: Jan 08,2019

On the eve of CES, Intel and Mobileye several announcements spanning PCs and new devices to diverse growth segments including artificial intelligence (AI), 5G and autonomous driving (AD).

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Intel leaders – Gregory Bryant, senior vice president, Client Computing Group of Intel ; Navin Shenoy, executive vice president, Data Center Group; and Professor Amnon Shashua, president and CEO of Mobileye, an Intel company – took to the stage to showcase the company's commitment to continuously improve the computing and communications foundation that will advance the way we experience the world and expand human potential.

Intel showcased its latest Intel Xeon Scalable products, shipping today with advanced AI and memory capabilities, and 9th Gen Intel Core desktop products. It also announced new 10nm products for PCs, servers and 5G wireless access base stations, the future of new chip designs based on its 3D packaging technology (Foveros).

Intel also spotlighted what's possible when technologies work seamlessly together across the entire spectrum of computing. Comcast and Intel are working together to bring the connected home to life. New initiatives with Alibaba demonstrate how Intel AI plans to deliver athlete tracking technology during the next Olympics. Mobileye and Ordnance Survey will bring us closer to the realization of smart cities and safer roads.

Gregory Bryant said: “Anyone can claim leadership in an isolated use case, but at Intel our aim is broader. The next era of computing demands innovation at an entirely different level – one that encompasses the entire ecosystem and spans every facet of computing, connectivity and more. We won't settle for anything less."

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