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HomeGrid Forum Showcases Technology roadmap and Smart Grid Applications at IEEE ISPLC

Published: Apr 15,2019

Dr Len Dauphinee, President of HomeGrid Forum, has revealed the Alliance’s technology roadmap at the 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Power Line Communications (ISPLC). HomeGrid Forum’s attendance at the event follows its recent expansion of technology beyond the home to enable Smart Cities.

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ISPLC, the flagship conference of the IEEE Communications Society Technical Committee on Power Line Communications, was held in Prague, 3-5 April 2019, and brought together high industry participation, academia, researchers and users of power line technologies.

This year, the agenda focused on key aspects of powerline technology standards, measurements and evaluation of field trials. Industry experts, including Dauphinee, presented and discussed state-of-the-art solutions and research results on existing and future power line communication systems.

“The ISPLC event was a great success for HomeGrid Forum. We presented our technology roadmap and its great advantages for the Smart Grid applications,” said Dauphinee. “The theme for this year’s event was ‘Smart Applications for Smarter Future’ and we really focused on this by showcasing’s broadband capabilities for ensuring reliable, secured and real-time data communication between smart meters and the electric utilities’ central office.”

HomeGrid Forum’s recent speaking opportunities at Smart Home Expo and Gigabit Access have showcased its expansion into several new verticals including Smart Grids, IoT, Connected Cars and VLC. For these technologies to reach their full potential, physical layer networking must be high quality to provide a strong backbone to support their capabilities. HomeGrid Forum recommends the unified deployment of to meet the reliability demands of Smart Living.

“We are pleased to have received such a positive response to our roadmap and our SmartGrid applications. This is an exciting time for these technologies and to be able to see where the developments are headed really solidifies what this industry has been working towards,” concluded Dauphinee. “This is a really exciting time for HomeGrid Forum and I’m looking forward to continuing the great work that we are doing throughout the rest of 2019.”

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