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Asian Assets Development, UWin Nanotech Assist Papua New Guinea in Setting Eco-Friendly Gold Mining

By Korbin Lan
Published: Jun 13,2019

Asia Assets Development Chairman Mr. Chi Yung-Wen(center), Kenny Hsu, Managing Director of UWin Nanotech(right), former Environmental Protection Minister Stephen Shen(left).

TUCHEN, Taiwan - UWin Nanotech and Asia Assets Development today held an environmental technology signing ceremony with former Environmental Protection Minister Stephen Shen as witness. UWin Nanotech will provide environmentally-friendly metals stripping solutions to Asia Assets Development to assist them in the development of environmentally-friendly gold mining procedures in Papua New Guinea.

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Since the new government took office in Papua New Guinea, they have actively promoted the development of the nation’s economy and hope to bring about an newly emergent industrial climate.

Furthermore, the mining of gold minerals is still a key economic pillar of the Papua New Guinean economy which accounts for 60% of the overall national GDP. As a result, finding means of utilizing environmentally-friendly technologies to improve mining quality while also conserving the environment is one of the key directions of the new government.

Asia Assets Development Chairman Mr. Chi Yung-Wen stated that in cooperation with the new government of Papua New Guinea, they will establish a national gold smelting plant, and through the use of UWin Nanotech’s environmentally-friendly gold stripping solutions, they will improve local mining procedures and solve the current mining-related pollution problems.

He pointed out that the new government of Papua New Guinea is placing a great deal of importance on environmental protection issues and, therefore, are actively seeking out new mining methods. Moreover, through an introduction by former Environmental Protection Minister Stephen Shen, they have discovered that UWin Nanotech has the capability of satisfing their requirements. After several trips to implement the solutions on-site, they achieved highly satisfactory results which resulted in their current collaboration.

Currently the mines in Papua New Guinea can produce over ten tons of gold ore per month; however, their mining methods are still very traditional, and they use mercury to extract the gold, which is harmful to both the environment and to personnel.

UWin Nanotech’s environmentally-friendly gold stripping solutions do not employ any toxic chemicals, and their neutral chemical properties are neither harmful to human health nor to the environment. In addition, they can be utilized to quickly separate gold from ore. Compared to the traditional use of aqua regia and cyanide, their solutions are not only more efficient, but they are also harmless to the environment. UWin Nanotech’s solutions can also be utilized to carry out refiningthrough the use of automation to further improve mining efficiency.

Mr. Chi Yung-Wen emphasized that the government of Papua New Guinea hopes to balance the country's economic development with the sustainability of the planet. In addition to introducing environmentally-friendly metals stripping technologies, they have a vision of “zero-emissions” development and aspire to enable 100% of exhaust fumes and wastewater to be reusable with the goal of being in the world’s top tier of environmental sustainability.

(TR/ Phil Sweeney)

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