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Toyoda Gosei Invests in AI Startup TRYETING

Published: Aug 29,2019

Toyoda Gosei has invested in TRYETING Inc. (Nagoya, Japan) for the rapid development of materials using artificial intelligence (AI)1.

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TRYETING is a startup out of Nagoya University and provides an AI platform that integrates various types of software. One of the strengths of the company is materials informatics, a field that applies the techniques of informatics, such as AI and big data, to materials. This approach can significantly speed the development of new materials.

The automobile industry is changing rapidly with CASE (connected, autonomous, shared, electric) and other new technological trends. In order to respond to these changes, Toyoda Gosei is seeking to achieve greater added value of products with the integration of sensors and other electronic components into the plastic and rubber parts that are its core technologies. For this aim, the development of high functional materials that can accommodate electronics technology is an urgent task.

With this investment, Toyoda Gosei will combine TRYETING’s AI technology with the knowledge in materials design it has built up over many years. The ability to quickly simulate large numbers of material compounding patterns will accelerate the development of materials with superior functionality, such as new materials for LiDAR2 and other sensors.

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