Taipei, Saturday, Sep 28, 2024, 03:28


Fair Field Operations in India – Taiwanese Tech Firms Shape an Ecosystem

By Korbin Lan
Published: Sep 16,2019

TAIPEI, Taiwan - The world’s third largest machine tool group, Fair Field Group, on September 9 in Bengaluru, India’s international Hardware Aerospace and IT Park, celebrated the opening ceremony of the FFG MAG India Industrial Automations Systems Pvt. Ltd. as part of the establishment of a South Asian machine tool production base.

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Fair Field Group Chairman Chu Chih-Yaung stated that Fair Field’s Taiwan research and development and global layout currently includes ninety-five companies globally and three major business groups which are most prominent in the machine tool business group. Furthermore, their production bases are located in the following ten major countries for machinery manufacturing: Taiwan, the USA, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Switzerland, Japan, Korea, Mainland China, and India. As early as 2006, they had established a layout in India, and to date they have sold at least 3,500 units of HMC and VMC precision machining equipment. With demand in the Indian infrastructure market looking optimistic, the objective for the next stage will be to produce 1,000 HMC/VMCs a month.

India Resident Ambassador Mitsudai Tanaka was invited to speak at the opening ceremony and gave his congratulations on the opening of FFG MAG India and their operational growth. He also stated that under the impetus of Taiwan’s new southbound policy, the growth of bilateral trade between Taiwan and India, overall technological cooperation and exchanges, and the number of Indian students electing to study abroad in Taiwan are all set to increase. The Head of the Indian Technology Group also stated that Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) wishes them the best of luck and will continue to provide follow-up assistance.

Several Taiwanese technology companies are already stationed in Bengaluru, India including companies from MOTC’s Central Taiwan Science Park including FFG MAG India of the Fair Field Group and Hsinchu Science park companies such as Wistron Corporation and MediaTek Inc. Moreover, Century Development Corporation’s innovative technology park is also currently under construction, and in the future there will be collaborations with Hsinchu Science Park to assist in investment in ICT, raw medical materials, and green energy-related industries. Therefore, it is foreseeable that in the future a Taiwanese science and technology industry ecosystem will thrive in Bengaluru.

(TR/ Phil Sweeney)

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