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PIDA 4.0 – Optics League of Legends to Launch in January 2020

By Korbin Lan
Published: Dec 11,2019

TAIPEI, Taiwan - Committed to promoting the development of the photovoltaic industry in Taiwan, Photonics Industry & Technology Development Association (PIDA) on December 6 held a press briefing and pledged to actively engage in more collaborations with public associations to collectively promote the development of Taiwan's photovoltaic industry. In addition, they also unveiled the objectives of “PIDA 4.0,” namely, emphasizing continual transformation in the future, reinventing think tank value, and establishing a communication platform for the optoelectronics industry.

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In his presentation, PIDA’s new CEO Louis Huang stated that in the past the optoelectronic industry was primarily dominated by solar, LED, and display panel industries; however, with changes in the market, these industries have entered into a new cycle. Furthermore, PIDA is also changing along with the rise of 5G and AI, and the importance of these industries will increase in the future.

He pointed out that the scope of the optoelectronics field is actually very broad and is entering deeply into a wide variety of industries. Other than just PV and display, other industries including biomedical, laser, optical and 3D printing industries are also part of the photoelectric field. In addition, unlike in the ICT and semiconductor industries, this industry is dominated by SMEs. As a result, PIDA will more actively collaborate with public associations in these different vertical domains in order to collectively expand Taiwan's optoelectronic industry.

Furthermore, in order to realize the objectives of “PIDA 4.0,” as soon as Louis Huang took office, he renewed trademarks that had been in user for numerous years and changed the main image to one with brilliant RGB colors as a symbol of the diverse and colorful optoelectronic industry. At the same time, new promotional projects have been kicked off targeting the three major issues which industry figures are most concerned with, namely “talent, technology, and products.”

Louis Huang explained that PIDA’s policy is to “find a path for talent, find a path for technology, and find access for products.” On one hand, starting with education, PIDA will continue to cultivate outstanding photoelectric talent in Taiwan. On the other hand, they will continue to conduct international marketing and exchanges and export Taiwan’s excellent technologies and products to international markets.

He also revealed that in order to solve problem of the gap in industry-academia talent, PIDA will unite all related departments and industries to collectively form the “Optoelectronics League of Legends” and create an industry-university labor platform which will expand Taiwan's photovoltaic industry from its fundamentals. Louis Huang also urged industry figures in the optoelectronics sector to master new technologies and enter international markets.

For instance, although Taiwan’s solar industry is currently in a slump, the global PV market is currently in a phase of rapid growth; therefore, they should actively move into overseas markets. Meanwhile, the display panel industry should seize opportunities in Micro LED transformation, especially since Taiwan has the triple advantage of LED, semiconductor, and display panel technologies. If these three domains can be effectively combined, then the task of surpassing Japan and catching up with Korea will be easily within reach.

CEO Wu Chung-ho has been an important promoter behind PIDA’s transformation, and during his speech, in addition to thanking the public associations in attendance for their support, he also stated that the applications and innovations of optoelectronic technology are ubiquitous and will be important drivers of industry in the future. He also anticipates that under the leadership of the new CEO, PIDA will continue to function as a bridge between industry, government, and academic research.

(TR/ Phil Sweeney)

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