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US Concentrates on Smart Medical Imaging System Patents Related to Image Processing-Image Analysis

Published: Dec 30,2019

TAIPEI, Taiwan - Taipei-based, government-backed IT research institute MIC (Market Intelligence & Consulting Institute) conducted a patent analysis, by technology and country of assignee, on 760 US public patents related to smart medical imaging systems.

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The findings show that the United States has the highest patent counts and concentrates on smart medical imaging system patents related to “image processing: image analysis”, followed by “pattern recognition: text or pattern recognition methods”, "diagnostic measurement: measurement for diagnostic purposes".

"After cross-analyzing 35 fields covered by 760 smart medical imaging system patents and the assignees of these patents, the findings show that Siemens has filed the most patent applications to the USPTO, followed by Samsung Medison, IBM, GE Healthcare, and Microsoft, said David Chen, senior industry analyst at MIC.”

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