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Huami’s Amazfit Donates $1.5 Million to Help Combat the Coronavirus Outbreak in China

Published: Feb 03,2020

Huami, the world’s second-largest health wearables company, announced today that has donated $1.5 million (USD) to help combat the outbreak of the deadly Coronavirus in the capital city of Wuhan, located in China’s Hubei Province. The funds will be dispersed to purchase medical supplies that are in urgent need by both

Funds that were originally set aside for Huami’s annual corporate meeting in China, which management elected to cancel (for the first time) due to the severity of the Coronavirus outbreak, are now being allocated to prevent and contain further spread of the virus. In addition to the monetary donation, the tech company will also utilize its global supplier network and channel partnerships to try and obtain much needed medical supplies outside of China to distribute within Wuhan and its province.

“The coronavirus outbreak in China continues to rage on, disrupting people’s lives,” said Wang Huang, founder and CEO of Huami. “We are keenly aware of the devotion and courage with which thousands of healthcare professionals and many others are fighting to contain the contagion and care for those affected. As a health conscious brand, Huami cares, and we have organized an effort to obtain medical supplies to donate to those in critical need. It is the least we can do to express our heartfelt gratitude to those brave souls fighting on the front line. We wish a speedy recovery of those affected.”

Huami’s mission is to champion an interoperable health ecosystem that improves the quality of its customers’ lives. By designing cutting edge technology centered around the health of people, Huami has helped reshaped the lifestyles of millions of customers.

Huang remarked, “We encourage other global brands to help fight the spread of the virus in the capital city of Wuhan and the Hubei province, whether it be with a monetary donation or providing much needed medical supplies including medical masks.”

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