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Winners of COMPUTEX d&i awards: InfoPower's Nextep App

By Korbin Lan
Published: Jun 29,2015

Today among the prize winners at the COMPUTEX d&i awards, InfoPower could be considered the most unique company. Not only are they the only company that won a prize for “Applications and Software,” but also due to the excellence of their application concepts, their original “Nextep” Integrated Mobile App won the unanimous praise of all of the judges.

Nextep is currently the market's first and only browser and file management App with an integrated display that enables iPad users to search, collect, organize, and share information. InfoPower GGeneral Manager Benjamin Lin stated that Nextep provides professionals from all walks of life with an integrated mobile App that is suitable for individual or team use; furthermore, it has three main functions: collection, integration, and sharing of data.

“If you integrate the functions of this App, using the Nextep App to organize is a little like using Windows file manager with a personal mobile portal concept,” said Lin.

Taking file editing and sharing as an example, with Nextep all types of files can be annotated and edited, and they can be uniformly collected in accordance with categories and classifications that are preset by users. At the same time groups of users can be set up so that data in documents can be instantly sent to relevant personnel, enabling users to work with the effectiveness of being managed under the same project.

Figure 1 :   Nextep is the first of its kind to hit the market, and it is the only integrated mobile App.
Figure 1 : Nextep is the first of its kind to hit the market, and it is the only integrated mobile App.

In addition, Nextep also integrates the currently mainstream cloud storage Apps, such as Dropbox and Google Drive, and it can be used to instantly share documents and files with coworkers and friends. It is also equipped with cross-platform and cross-device functionality, making it extremely suitable for exhibiting professional works as well as an efficient instrument for sharing in educational or household settings.

In addition to winning affirmation at the COMPUTEX d&i awards, in late 2014, Nextep won the the “Taiwan Visual Design Award” and the “15th Click Awards” for “originality” and “changing with the times” and won the rare honor of becoming a triple crown winner in Taiwan's software industry.

Discussing the reason that they won these prizes, Lin believes that the “attention to detail” in InfoPower's products comes from their being people-oriented and their notion of making the user the first priority.

He explained that making the user the first priority is the core principle of InfoPower's product research and development. From the initial orientation of functions, to operations, to user interface design, InfoPower carries out each link of production with the users' perspectives in mind in order to create truly human-oriented software applications.

“Nextep considers the requirements of left-handed people, and the position of the toolbar can switched so that left-handed users can operate the software more comfortably,” said Lin.

Figure 2 :   InfoPower's business philosophies are “User-Centric, Innovation, and Speed.”
Figure 2 : InfoPower's business philosophies are “User-Centric, Innovation, and Speed.”

It could be said that this type of thoroughly user-centric thinking is what InfoPower has learned in the 20 years since its founding; furthermore, it is an intrinsic part of the company's corporate culture. As you walk into InfoPower, to the left of the entrance on a white wall you can see InfoPower's business philosophy, “User-Centric, Innovation, and Speed,” with User-Centric written first.

In actuality, InfoPower is not a mobile App development company, and it was not until the last few years that they began to develop these kinds of products. Their main specialty is big data analysis and operations, and they began to enter into the research and development of related technologies as early as 20 years ago.

“This enterprise took 15 years of fermentation before it took shape,” said Lin.

Figure 3 :   InfoPower General Manager Lin Zhe-bin(Benjamin).
Figure 3 : InfoPower General Manager Lin Zhe-bin(Benjamin).

He pointed out that compared to hardware companies, the threshold for software companies to enter into the market is actually very low, and they do not have the pressure of needing costly production equipment or inventory storage space. However, making a good software product is 100% difficult, especially in today's highly diversified software market, where individual software functions are extremely formidable. As a result, the challenge is to find ways to simplify the user's software experience, and concentrating on user experience is InfoPower's road to success.

Looking to the future, Lin stated that InfoPower will continue the research and development of software. At the same time, they will also concentrate on the area of mobile applications. Hence, commitment to InfoPower's value means prioritizing people and users.

He pointed out that “rationality on one side, and feeling on the other side” is printed on the company's business card. This is definitely the main strength that has enabled InfoPower to be established in the software industry for twenty years.

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