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Technology Front

u-blox Launches Bluetooth indoor positioning antenna board

By Joanne Lin
Published: Apr 01,2022

462 Read

Thalwil, Switzerland – u-blox Announces the u-blox ANT-B10 antenna board for Bluetooth direction finding and indoor positioning applications. Designed for integration into commercial end-products.

ANT-B10 is a self-contained Bluetooth low energy antenna board for direction finding and indoor positioning. The board, which features an antenna array comprising eight individual patch antennas, is built around a u-blox NINA-B411 Bluetooth 5.1 module. After processing incoming RF signals emitted by mobile tracker tags in the module’s radio and angle calculation processor, the solution outputs the calculated angle of arrival without requiring any additional processes.

Common use cases for Bluetooth indoor positioning and direction include tracking assets in industrial settings such as in warehouses as well as people and things in hospitals, retail environments, or museums. Additionally, access control systems deployed in connected buildings can use angle detection to determine which side of a door users are located on.

“We are excited to be part of such a great all-round indoor positioning solution. u-blox has really demonstrated its commitment to bringing down the barriers to entry for Bluetooth indoor positioning solutions and popularizing the technology,” says Mika Jäsberg, VP Components at CoreHW.

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