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Taiwan Initiates Three Strategies in Response to China’s IC Industry

By Vincent Wang
Published: Nov 09,2015

Chinese government stipulate oversea semiconductor companies must produce in local.

TAIPEI, Taiwan — The Industrial Economics and Knowledge Center (IEK) stated that as the market share of China’s semiconductor industry is growing rapidly, forming strategic business alliances, technological development and adopting complementary approaches are three strategies for semiconductor industry in Taiwan to adapt to the trend.

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“Taiwan’s IC design houses had better to form strategic business alliances instead of working alone.” Peng Mao-jung commented.

As to IC fabrication, Peng Mao-jung said that technological development should be continue, especially the 7-nanometer and even 5-nanometer advanced and special manufacturing processes.

At the same time, adopting complementary approaches between IC packaging and testing upstream and downstream suppliers is a must, according to Peng Mao-jung.

IEK reported that Taiwan ranks No. 1 in IC packaging and testing with 51.8 percent of market share. However, China has been actively in expanding its market share by mergers and acquisitions, “Taiwan ought to keep the leading status by all means.” added Peng Mao-jung.

Peng Mao-jung forecast the global semicondoctor industry market is expected to boost by 1.9 percent in 2016, strong demand for mobile devices, SSD, automobile electronics, ultrathin laptop, industrial application and wearables are considered the growth drivers of semiconductor industry.

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