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NVIDIA Expands Deep Learning Institute AI Training Partnerships in China

Published: Sep 27,2017

NVIDIA is expanding its Deep Learning Institute initiative in China by partnering with Tencent and Leadtek to provide hands-on AI training to developers, researchers and data scientists.

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The partnerships were announced at GTC China, in Beijing, where more than 3,500 developers, corporate executives and entrepreneurs are gathered to discover how GPU technologies are creating breakthroughs in AI, intelligent machines and self-driving cars.

DLI courses will take advantage of powerful NVIDIA GPUs in the Tencent cloud, and the companies will collaborate to develop new training in emerging areas of AI research. Leadtek’s DLI-certified instructors will deliver hands-on AI training in public and private workshops across China.

AI is sweeping across the technology landscape, and deep learning expertise is becoming a must-have skill in a growing number of fields. Alongside this trend, the Deep Learning Institute has grown rapidly — with tens of thousands of individuals taking courses — pointing to the enormous demand for hands-on training that can be immediately put to use.

At GTC China, DLI-certified instructors will present more than 30 hours of hands-on training and instructor-led workshops on the application of AI in fields such as healthcare, finance and manufacturing. The classes, covering such topics as generative adversarial networks, signal processing and genomics analysis, give developers, researchers and data scientists the practical experience they need to apply deep learning across a wide range of applications.

“NVIDIA’s DLI offers developers deep learning training with real practical value,” said Long Wang, vice president at Tencent Cloud. “Tencent Cloud is delighted to make DLI training available to the Tencent Cloud Developers Lab, to provide our developers the opportunity to get the latest deep learning tools and information.”

Leadtek Chairman K.S. Lu said, “Our customers know that deep learning is fundamentally changing the way they do business. There is no better way to get started with this critically important technology than through training in conjunction with NVIDIA’s Deep Learning Institute.”

Providing practical skills that until recently were difficult to obtain outside of higher educational settings, the Deep Learning Institute works with technology leaders and online training partners worldwide to train developers on the latest AI techniques using all major deep learning frameworks.

In addition to Tencent and Leadtek, DLI partners include Amazon Web Services, Coursera, Facebook, Google, Hewlett-Packard Enterprise, IBM, Microsoft and Udacity, among others.

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