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MediaTek Unveils Its Edge AI Platform & AI Technology For Cross Platform Consumer Devices

Published: Jan 08,2018

MediaTek today detailed its ongoing AI platform strategy to enable AI edge computing with its NeuroPilot AI platform. Through a combination of hardware and software, an AI processing unit (APU), and NeuroPilot SDK, MediaTek will bring AI across its wide-ranging technology portfolio -- a portfolio that powers 1.5 billion consumer products a year across smartphones, smart homes, autos and more.

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MediaTek's current AI solutions for voice assistants, TVs and autonomous cars, will be showcased at CES where the company is demonstrating the power of AI and how it's redefining today's consumer devices.

"2018 is a new era in device innovation. MediaTek is committed to enabling our partners and customers with technology advancements consumers demand through the power of AI integration with our chipsets," said Jerry Yu, Corporate Vice President and General Manager of the Home Entertainment Business Group, MediaTek. "AI enhanced technology is quickly becoming part of the consumers' every day experience. MediaTek's AI platform is designed for today's smart devices and to pave the way for an AI-powered future."

MediaTek's NeuroPilot AI platform is focused on several key areas:

• Edge AI Enabler -- MediaTek brings AI closer to the chipset level -- for devices at the edge of computing -- where deep learning and intelligent decision need to happen faster. This creates a strong hybrid of an edge-to-cloud AI computing solution.

• Edge AI Efficiency -- Through a balance of performance and power efficiency -- a hallmark of MediaTek chipsets -- MediaTek makes implementing and running AI applications efficient and practical across devices.

• Enhanced AI -- MediaTek's platform uses AI to enhance features and applications people use every day in mobile devices and at home like intelligent camera imaging and voice and image detection or recognition.

• Supports Mainstream AI Frameworks -- MediaTek's AI solution operates in concert with existing neural processing SDKs including Google TensorFlow, Caffe, Amazon MXNet, Sony NNabla and more. At the OS level, MediaTek offers support for Android and Linux.

• Software & Hardware Solution -- Along with designing chipset level AI technology -- Artificial Intelligence Processing Unit (APU) -- MediaTek will introduce an AI SDK. It will allow developers access to SOC level functions to build AI applications and solutions across MediaTek chipsets and MediaTek powered devices.

"Our customers and consumers want truly intelligent devices. From taking better photographs through the power of AI processing algorithms, to improved voice and face recognition and accurate sensor information for autonomous driving, AI and machine learning is the technology to drive consumer products forward," said Yu.

"With our broad range of chipsets, backed by our current and newly developed AI framework, MediaTek is poised to be a full ecosystem AI solution provider."

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