Taipei, Saturday, Sep 28, 2024, 15:31


Hon Hai to Develop Big Data, AI, and the IIoT in the Next Three Years

By Korbin Lan
Published: Feb 21,2018

TAIPEI, Taipei - Foxconn Chairman Terry Guo recently stated at a Valentine's Day event that from this year to 2020, the Hon Hai Group will move in the direction of big data, artificial intelligence, and the industrial Internet as the foundations of their manufacturing industries.

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Terry Guo emphasized that regardless of the direction of the global economy, manufacturing industries are always at the core of the economy, and this is especially the case with smart manufacturing. Manufacturing is the real economy, and the economic structure of the economy relies upon it. If there is no manufacturing, then there is no industry, and if there is not industry all virtual network industries will be bubbles. The

In addition, Terry Guo also revealed that construction on Foxconn's Wisconsin factory in the United States will commence in late April to promote the ocal 8K+5G ecosystem.

(TR/ Phil Sweeney)

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