Taipei, Saturday, Sep 28, 2024, 15:29


ASE and TDK Establish Joint Venture to Provide Wearable Chip Package Solutions

By Korbin Lan
Published: Mar 05,2018

TAIPEI, Taiwan - ASE yesterday announced together with TDK the joint establishment of ASE Embedded Electronics Incorporated, and in the future they will utilize TDK-authorized SESUB technology in the production of IC embedded substrates and provide mobile and wearable device products for the semiconductor industry.

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ASE explained that ASE Embedded Electronics Incorporated will be established in Nanzih Export Processing Zone and have a staff of 150 employees with a total of NT$1.5 billion in capital. ASE will own a 51% stake in the joint venture, while TKD will own a 49% stake.

ASE pointed about that when their technology is combined with TDK's embedded substrate technology, they will have a greater capacity to integrate chips and functionality in smaller-sized substrates, and this will dramatically increase their effectiveness while also satisfying customer requirements. Furthermore, it will also inject a higher added-value into ASE's System in Package (SiP) ecosystem.

(TR/ Phil Sweeney)

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