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ITRI Mechavision External Skin Sensor Brings About Human-Machine Collaboration

By Frank Yeh
Published: May 14,2018

TAIPEI, Taiwan - Industrial Technology Research Industry at the 2018 “Taipei Intelligent Machinery Manufacturing and Technology Show (iMTduo)” showcased a variety of different achievements, including hardware sensors, IoT wireless communication technology transmitters, and cloud data collection and analysis. They also exhibited a human-machine collaboration product, which mainly consists of a mounted robot arm controlled with skin sensors. Whenever a person touches a sensor, it immediately stops working.

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This technology was developed by the Mechavision team, and it is basically a skin sensor installed on a robot arm. Furthermore, whenever a person touches the sensor, it immediately suspends operations, and its touch speed and physical power can both be adjusted. Especially noteworthy is that it only requires that the sensor be externally mounted on the robot arm to be used. Hence, it is unnecessary to purchase a complete set of robot arm equipment.

After developing the world’s leading tactile robot technology, Mechavision will continue to invest in the development of input sensors related IoT and smart manufacturing development.

These sensors include a torque sensor which has the rare capacity to sense the motion of six-axis joints. Furthermore, it can also reduce individual error values to less than 5%, so if only a single value is sensed, there will be a lower error value. In addition, it also can be utilized as a detection camera sensor which can measure aperture sizes with high accuracy and increase detection accuracy.

(TR/ Phil Sweeney)

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