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UWin Nanotech Responds to “Recycling Fund 20th Anniversary Exhibition”

By Korbin Lan
Published: Aug 09,2018

TAIPEI, Taiwan - The Environmental Protection Association, Executive Yuan last week in Taipei City held the opening ceremony for the “Recycling Fund 20th Anniversary Exhibition.” In addition to presenting the accomplishments of 20 years of recycling, the most recent environmentally-friendly recycling technologies of the circular economy were also showcased with environmentally-friendly metals-stripping technology provider UWin Nanotech representing the industry world. At the exhibition, the company showcased their non-toxic and non-polluting precious metals recycling technology.

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The circular economy is currently one of the key issues receiving global attention, and its goal is to solve the issue of how to reuse waste materials produced by modern lifestyles and resources.

However, the keys to putting the circular economy into practice are recycling technologies for waste materials and e-waste and the development of industry supply chains. These two considerations play pioneering roles in the promotion of substantive grassroots work; therefore, UWin Nanotech has responded to this movement.

At the exhibition, UWin Nanotech showcased their actual environmentally-friendly metals stripping technologies, and through the non-toxic and non-polluting soaking procedures of their exclusive soaking solutions for stripping metals, precious metals can be efficiently and rapidly obtained from e-waste materials. The precious metals which can be recovered through stripping include gold, silver, and tin from chips, boards, or connecting wires.

This is especially poignant as the global problem of e-waste materials becomes increasingly serious and the majority of contemporary precious metals recycling solutions employ incineration methods. In fact, the majority of these procedures entail the use of highly toxic cyanide. As a result, UWin Nanotech’s solutions are being looked upon as a crucial link in putting the recycling economy into practice.

In addition, the Environmental Protection Association has invited guests from a number of nations to join in the festivities, including the European Union Representative Office in China, Sweden, Germany, Singapore, Japan, Malaysia, and the Philippines.

(TR/ Phil Sweeney)

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