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Technology Front

Toshiba Releases 650V Super Junction Power MOSFETs in TOLL Package

Published: Mar 14,2021

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Toshiba has launched 650V super junction power MOSFETs, TK065U65Z, TK090U65Z, TK110U65Z, TK155U65Z and TK190U65Z, in its DTMOSVI series that are housed in a TOLL (TO-leadless) package. Volume production shipments start today.

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TOLL is a surface-mount package that has an approximately 27% smaller footprint than the usual D2PAK package. It is also a 4-pin type package that allows Kelvin connection of its signal source terminal for the gate drive. This can reduce the influence by the inductance of the source wire in the package to bring out the high-speed switching performance of the MOSFETs, suppressing oscillation when switching.

Compared to Toshiba’s current product, TK090N65Z, the turn-on switching loss is reduced by about 68% and turn-off switching loss by about 56%. The new MOSFETs are suitable for power supplies for industrial equipment such as data centers and photovoltaic power conditioners.

The combination of TOLL packaging with the latest generation DTMOSVI process technology extends the line-up to cover a low On-resistance of up to 65mΩ(max). Toshiba will continue to enhance products with the TOLL package to contribute to equipment downsizing and improved efficiency.

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