E Ink Joins AirFuel’s Wireless Charging Alliance – Promotes Battery-Free E-Paper Device
By Korbin Lan
Published: Jul 15,2019

TAIPEI, Taiwan - E Ink Holdings Inc. announced that they have joined the AirFuel Alliance as a member of the alliance’s board of directors.
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In the alliance with AirFuel, E Ink will promote the development of electronic paper technology. After combining their ultra-low power e-paper displays with wireless charging technology, E Ink will have the capability of creating battery-free electronic paper devices suitable for use in multiple vertical industries, such as logistics, digital signage, smart cities, retail, and consumer electronics.
E Ink President Johnson Lee stated, “We are honored to join AirFuel and serve as a board member of the alliance, and we will take this opportunity to collaborate with leaders and innovative vendors in the domain of wireless charging, and we will establish wireless charging technology standards in cooperation with AirFuel. ”
“The wireless charging technology promoted by AirFuel will not only have the capacity to support E Ink’s stable leadership in the e-paper industry, but will also refine paperless solutions for the digital age. We are also dedicated to the development of diverse e-paper applications that reduce power consumption and paper use and will continue to contribute to environmentally sustainable development.”
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