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LCD Monitor Brands Boost Year-end Shipment, Lifting October Result

Published: Nov 29,2013

According to the survey by Witsview, the global top ten LCD monitor brands’ shipment in October 2013 rose 0.2% from September and dipped from the same period last year. SI makers’ October shipment declined 4.4% from September but grew 5.1% YoY.

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Despite most brands boosted shipment in September, the shipments in October continued to rise due to: 1.American brands’ attempt to lift sales performance for the year-end or quarter-end financial settlement purpose before the year-end shopping season; 2. Samsung's continuously boosting shipment; 3. Lenovo’s strengthening shipment as the Chinese market enters the peak season.

LCD monitor SI makers’ shipment was stronger than expected in October, which declined only 4.4%, narrower than the 7% record in previous years, as SI makers’ shipment in October is usually affected by the factories closed for National Holidays and clients’ advanced procurement in September. This year’s shipment benefitted from Dell’s strong procurement and some makers’ ambition to lift shipment volume in Q4 to compensate the weaker-than-expected performance in Q3.

WitsView assistant research manager Anita Wang indicates despite of LCD monitor brands’ ideal performance in Q4, the smooth sales at the retailer end is the key. If the sales during Black Friday and Christmas holidays is not well, the inventory at the retailers’ hands would need more time to digest, which will impact the procurement momentum in Q1 2014.

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