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Better Looking by Wearing the Smart Underwear

By Vincent Wang
Published: Feb 13,2014

SS Shapewear gives women a better looking(source:III)

TAIPEI, TAIWAN — The pride of Taiwan! III cooperated with NTUST to produce a smart underwear “SS Shapewear” and won the German iF Product Design Award, received an iF seal of outstanding design quality. The concept of wearables has been put into practice in this underwear to help women to be more slimmer simply by wearing it.

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Not only watches, glasses can be embedded and turned into wearables, so does underwear. The Innovative DigiTech-Enabled Applications & Services Institute (IDEAS) of Institute for Information Industry (III) in collaboration with National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) to conduct a project, “SS Shapewear” was made in the end.

The material used to make SS Shapewear underwear includes an electrically conductive textile. When beauty-loving women put on SS Shapewear, they can use the smart magnetic resonance recharging technology to produce loops of current in the conductive textile.

At that time, as the wearer's body exerts varying pressure on the underwear, the electrically conductive textile senses the pressure differences, and uses a transmitter to send eletromagnetic signals to the cell phone App program.

The product's proprietary App program will then make recommendations, and the wearer can use the smart device to adjust the underwear's tightness by remote control. SS Shapewear can thus shape body tissue, yielding optimal curves and achieving a balance between health and a perfect figure.

Good design plus functional usage, again proven Taiwan is in the lead. “The III research team combined industrial theory, and worked hard to apply it to produce good-looking and practical products,” Yang Ren-da, Head of IDEAS of III remarked.

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