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Android or iOS? Expert: Stickness is the Most Crucial Part

By Vincent Wang
Published: Oct 31,2014

William Liang says how to attribute the stickness is far more important than competing the hardware specs of smartphones

TAIPEI, Taiwan — Google's Android and Apple's iOS are operating systems used primarily in mobile technology, such as smartphones and tablets. Which one is better, this answer subjected to users. Android, which is Linux-based and partly open source, is more PC-like than iOS, in that its interface and basic features are generally more customizable from top to bottom. However, iOS' uniform design elements are sometimes seen as being more user-friendly, act on instinct.

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Users had better to choose the smartphone and tablet systems carefully, as switching from iOS to Android or vice versa will require to buy apps again in the Google Play or Apple App Store. Android is now the most commonly used smartphone platform and is used by many different phone manufacturers on earth, while iOS is only used on Apple devices, such as the iPhone.

iOS and Android both use touch interfaces that have a lot in common — swiping, tapping and pinch-and-zoom, both need to be funtioned in the touch screen, and both operating systems boot to a homescreen, which is similar to a computer desktop.

Although an iOS home screen only contains rows of app icons, Android allows the use of widgets, which display auto-updating information such as weather and email. The iOS user interface features a dock where users can pin their most frequently used applications.

Similarly, a status bar runs across the top on both iOS and Android, providing information such the time, WiFi or cell signal, and battery life; on Android the status bar also shows the number of newly received emails, messages and reminders.Android gets apps from Google Play, which currently has more than 600,000 apps available, most of which will run on tablets.

However, many originally iOS-only apps are now available for Android, including Instagram and Pinterest, and Google's more open app-store means other exclusive apps are also available, including Adobe Flash Player and BitTorrent. Android also offers access to Google-based apps, such as Youtube and Google Docs.

On the other hand, Apple app store currently offers 700,000 apps, 250,000 of which are available for the iPad. Most developers prefer to develop games for iOS before they develop for Android. Since a recent update, the Youtube app has become unavailable on iOS, but iOS still offers some exclusive apps, including the popular game Infinity Blade and Twitter client Tweetbot.

William Liang, former Senior Director at innovation Digital System Business Group (iDSBG) System Software Division Operating System Department of Hon Hai Technology, pointed out that the point isn't fall on whether using iOS or Android, “how to attribute the stickness is far more important than competing the hardware specs.”

The hardware specs' differenciation between iOS or Android are getting closer and closer, William Liang said that it's inevitable, “now that the battlefield is users' stickness.” he said.

In other words, non-substituability is far more important and vital than using iOS and Android, which means that software part is crucial. “hardware specs are replaceable, only software attributes more to users stickness.” William Liang added.

Comparing the non-substituability, most Apple users said that it's hard to change to another operating system because the iOS is very smoothly, on the other hand, Android users have lower brand loyalty than iOS.

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