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TAICS Announce Two New Standards for ICT Industry

By Korbin Lan
Published: Jul 17,2015

TAIPEI, Taiwan - Taiwan Association of Information and Communication Standards (TAICS) yesterday held the first session of general assembly and elected the first members of Council. In addition, the association also announce two new industrial standards to speed up the interacton of digital content.

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There were eleven directors be elected in this general assembly, Jonathan Tsang, the Vice Chairman and President of ASUS, was elected to be the chairman of council.

The number of TAICA’s members is nearly eighty, all came from different areas including mobile communication, internet communication, device networking, video communication services, internet and information security, testing and identity verification and intelligence ICT buildings. These members are all Taiwanese companies, are trying to develop ICT industry standards and intellectual property rights.

In this seesion, TAICA also announced two new ICT standards which are “Open Network Video Interface -standards for interaction of image management system and equipments”; “specification and description of Audio & Video content ”. By adopting these two newly released standards can integrate all internet surveillance devices and speed up the flow of Audio & Video files on different platforms.

Chang San-cheng, Vice President of Taiwan’s Executive Yuan, said that intelligent terminal, broadband internet and cloud computing are three vital factors for modern life. But to realize the true smart life, it is necessary to have one ICT standard to intercommunicate with all devices.

Shen Jong-chin, the Vice Minister of Economic Affairs (MOEA), stated that TAICS convenes all ICT manufactures’ elites. TAICS also links with international ICT standard organization and applies for the status of 3GPP observer to actively engage in the progress of drawing up international ICT standards.

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