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Average Taiwanese Cell Phone User Downloads 16 Apps

By Korbin Lan
Published: Feb 03,2016

TAIPEI, Taiwan - According to a Market Intelligence & Consulting Institute (MIC) survey, currently there are 16 downloaded apps on the cell phone of the average Taiwanese user. Each cell phone owner actively uses 6 apps daily, 4 of which were downloaded via mobile, and an average of 9 apps weekly.

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MIC industry analyst Liu Jia-ping stated that overall Taiwanese users do not use more than 10 Apps on a weekly basis, which means that there is a large trend towards mobile application development. Furthermore, companies that are beginning to enter the market must lead consumers another step towards App downloading services through integrated marketing channels.

MIC took another step in surveying the main factors which influence consumers to download Apps, and the leading three factors were “practical and convenient (78.9%), fun and interesting (71.9%), and “good for passing time (34.5%).” This indicates that the leading factors that influence Taiwanese cell phone users to download Apps are usability and entertainment.

In addition, the top three total amounts of time that Taiwanese cell phone users spent using Apps daily were “30 minutes to an hour (20.6%), 1 to 2 hours (19.9%), and 10 to 30 minutes (19.6%),” and the total average time was 91 minutes daily.

When observing the differences between operating systems, the study found that iOS users’ App usage was mainly for “1 to 2 hours (21.1%)” and “over 4 hours;” whereas Android users’ App usage was for “10 to 30 minutes (20.7%)” and “31 minutes to an hour (21.8%),” meaning that through their App services Apple has reached the goal of creating eye grabbing Apps which are “inseparable from the ecosystem.”

(TR/Phil Sweeney)

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