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IC Insights Reports Samsung, TSMC, and Intel to Have Huge Spending in 2H16

Published: Aug 04,2016

IC Insights forecasts that semiconductor industry capital spending will increase by only 3% this year after declining by 2% in 2015. However, driven by the top three spenders—Samsung, TSMC, and Intel—capital spending in 2016 is expected to be heavily skewed toward the second half of this year.

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Combined, the “Big 3” spenders are forecast to represent 45% of the total semiconductor industry outlays this year. An overview of each company’s actual 1H16 spending and their 2H16 spending outlook is shown below.

Samsung — The company spent only about $3.4 billion in capital expenditures in 1H16, just 31% of its forecasted $11.0 billion full-year 2016 budget.

TSMC — Its outlays in the first half of 2016 were only $3.4 billion, leaving $6.6 billion to be spent in the second half of this year in order to reach its full-year $10.0 billion budget. This would represent a 2H16/1H16 spending increase of 92%.

Intel — Spent just $3.6 billion in 1H16. The company needs to spend $5.9 billion in the second half of this year to reach its current $9.5 billion spending budget, which would be a 2H16/1H16 increase of 61%.

In contrast to the “Big 3” spenders, capital outlays by the rest of the semiconductor suppliers are forecast to shrink by 16% in the second half of this year as compared to the first half. In total, 2H16 semiconductor industry capital spending is expected to be up 20% over 1H16 outlays, setting up a busy period for the semiconductor equipment suppliers through the end of this year.

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