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TIA and TAICS Unveiling a New Chapter in 5G with LOI Signing

By Korbin Lan
Published: Sep 30,2016

TIA and TAICS signing ceremony

TAIPEI, Taiwan – Taiwan’s 5G Technology Program Office hosted the 2016 Taipei 5G/IoT Summit on September 29, 2016, in conjunction with TAICS (Association of Information and Communication Standards), to demonstrate Taiwan's determination and efforts in the development of 5G and IoTs.

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On September 30, 5G Technology Program Office and TEEMA (Taiwan Electrical and Electronics Manufacturers' Association) jointly held the 2016 5G/IoT Workshop at the same venue, with an aim to facilitate the cooperation and collaboration between and across industries.

In addition, several international organizations, namely NSF (National Science Foundation), TIA (Telecommunications Industry Association), IIC (Industrial Internet Consortium), and GSM Association, international established players such as Qualcomm, Bell Canada, KDDI, Ericsson, Rohde & Schwarz, Keysight, Huawei, NI (National Instruments), Hitachi, and Taiwan's major IoT companies such as Tatung, CTCI Advanced Systems, and LiteOn were invited to take advantage of this opportunity to share knowledge, practices, and experience in 5G and IoT

According to MOEA, Taiwan is now working together with the European Union, Japan, and the United States to get connected with main international 5G initiatives, including the 5G PPP (5G Infrastructure Public-Private-Partnership) of the EU as well as ARIB (Association of Radio Industries and Businesses) and TTC (Telecommunication Technology Committee) of Japan and expects to keep abreast of the latest progress of 5G.

During this Summit, Chairman of TAICS, Jonathan Tsang, and CEO of TIA, Mr. Scott Belcher, are also poised to sign an LOI (Letter of Intent) on behalf of both parties, under the witness of MOEA and AIT (American Institute in Taiwan). The LOI also opens the door for further collaboration on 5G/IoT standards development and AWRI (Advanced Wireless Research Initiative).

In the event, TAICS has separately signed MOUs (Memorandum of Understanding) for the development of 5G technology with ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute), NGMN (Next Generation Mobile Networks), and Japan's ARIB and TTC.

With the participation of Mr. Scott Belcher, CEO of TIA, in this Summit, Taiwan has been able to extend our 5G partnership with the United States. TIA is a leading trade association in the United States representing the global ICT industry through standards development, policy initiatives, business opportunities, market intelligence and networking events.

The LOI signed between the United States and Taiwan will mark the opening of a new chapter for 5G as both sides are set to promote exchanges and connections between international and regional standard organizations. This will also help Taiwanese vendors participate in AWRI's four city-scale testing platforms.

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