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China Semiconductor Fab Equipment Spending Forecasted to Over Than $12 Billion

Published: Oct 18,2017

SEMI today announced its new China IC Industry Outlook Report. With an increasing presence in the global semiconductor manufacturing supply chain, the market opportunities in China are expanding dramatically.

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China is the largest consumer of semiconductors in the world, but it currently relies mainly on semiconductor imports to drive its growth. Policies and investment funds are now in place to further advance the progress of indigenous suppliers in China throughout the entire semiconductor supply chain. This shift in policy and related initiatives have created widespread interest in the challenges and opportunities in China.

With at least 15 new fab projects underway or announced in China since 2017, spending on semiconductor fab equipment is forecast to surge to more than $12 billion, annually, by 2018.

As a result, China is projected to be the top spending region of fab equipment by 2019, and is likely to approach record all-time levels for annual spending for a single region.

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