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Security Industry Standards of Video Surveillance System to be Completed in December

Published: Nov 02,2017

TAIPEI, Taiwan - Institute of Information Industry (III) held the Industry Security Standards of IPCAM Seminar in the NTU Second Student Activity Center, and announced 0.9 version of the security standards of IPCAM draft. III expects to complete the standard setting this December.

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Ge Chao Hsu, the CEO of Synology Inc. said that video surveillance is one of the important parts in the Internet of Things (IoT). Synology hopes these security standards that formed based on the video surveillance will complement one another with IoT, and formulate more completed industry security standards when we face the situation that new technologies aggregate.

Jun Xiu Lin, the leader of Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs stated that through the cooperation of Industry, Official and University, they will complete the setting of industry security standards of the whole video surveillance system, including IPCAM (Internet Protocol Camera), NVR (Network Video Recorder) and NAS (Network attached Storage). They will proceed the standard field trial in Taiwan, and promote integrating with the international standards.

(TR/ Wu Yi Ling)

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