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Learn About the Key Production Bottleneck for Micro LED – Mass Transfer

By Korbin Lan
Published: Jan 24,2018

At the CES 2018 exhibition this year, Samsung will showcase their 146-inch Micro LED television called “The Wall,” and they utilized a modular splicing method to achieve a large-sized panel effect.

TAIPEI, Taiwan - If you look at single technical specifications and concepts, Micro LED is undoubtedly the display technology with the greatest potential in the coming years. However, there are still a number of breakthroughs that need to be made in order to break through bottlenecks, and finding a method of entering into mass production is one of the main challenges. One such method is called “mass transfer,” and it can help to lower manufacturing costs.

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Mass transfer is an academic term that is usually used in engineering design for material handling processes, and it involves the diffusion and convection of chemicals in physical systems.

To put it more concretely, mass transfer describes a chemical or physical mechanism, and it is a kind of transporting phenomenon which means a large number of points (molecules or particles) are transferred from one end to the other. It can be done in one phase or in multiple phases, and it involves a liquid or gas stage. It also sometimes occurs in the form of solid matter.

A typical mass transfer process is with liquid “evaporation,” and through this evaporation massive amounts of particles are moved to another material with their dispersion happening in a similar manner.

A major manufacturing challenge during Micro LED manufacturing is finding a way to make micron-sized LED particles move to the circuit board accurately and uniformly, and this is a breakthrough that needs to happen for the sake of costs and yields.

There are currently a few companies that have announced that they have achieved initial success on small-sized panels. These companies include PlayNitride and Epistar in Taiwan, Sony in Japan, and Samsung in Korea; however, the market is still paying close attention to who can make the first breakthrough for medium-sized and even large-sized panels.

At the CES 2018 exhibition this year, Samsung will showcase their 146-inch Micro LED television called “The Wall,” and they utilized a modular splicing method to achieve a large-sized panel effect.

(TR/ Phil Sweeney)

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