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G4 and Collaborative Partners Exhibit Smart Vision Technology

By Frank Yeh
Published: Mar 26,2018

TAIPEI, Taiwan - G4 Technology on March 23 held a seminar on the topic of smart vision with one hundred semiconductor industry and academic research institute technical personnel in attendance. In addition to sharing basic knowledge of key machine vision products, G4 also introduced technologies which are indispensable to smart vision, including 2D/3D sensors, infrared sensors, high-speed cameras, and artificial intelligence software.

In addition they also invited G4 collaborative partners Viswell and Abbovi to introduce the use of 3D visual arm integrated systems as light sources.

G4 Assistant Manager Ke Zong-min first introduced the work procedures for capturing images with machine vision. A photograph is transmitted into a computer to conduct image judgments and then sent to an external device, such as a robotic arm. The detection speed is relatively fast, and using it, factories can reduce costs and increase capacity. Its scope of applications includes measurements in electronics, medicine, liquid crystals, and semiconductors.

Smart vision technology simulates human vision using machine optical simulation systems. Industrial cameras, high resolution lenses, and light sources are used to capture image, and they subsequently undergo image software analysis and judgment of image content. The final results are then transmitted to external devices, such as robotic arms and gripping clips to perform actions. All in all it is a key technology for industrial automation.

“With the rapid development of AI technologies and driven by large-scale technology companies from a variety of different countries, in the future more of the industrial world's talent will be attractedto enter into the machine vision industry,” stated Ke Zong-min.

(TR/ Phil Sweeney)

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