Taipei, Saturday, Sep 28, 2024, 11:15


Preparations for Mass Production of E Ink’s ACeP Technology to be Completed this Year

By Korbin Lan
Published: Jun 25,2018

TAIPEI, Taiwan - E Ink at a shareholders’ meeting stated that they are continually investing in the research and development of products and technologies in order to to consolidate their global leading position in the e-paper market. In addition, the preliminary preparation for the technology transfer to mass production of their Advanced Color e-Paper (AceP) technology will be completed this year.

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E Ink pointed out that development of IoT applications are flourishing this year and that the ultra-low power consumption of e-paper is most suitable for use in displays for IoT applications. E Ink is actively expanding their layout of IoT applications, and in addition to a wide variety of e-paper applications, they are also expanding cooperation with partners in the ecosystem supply chain and seizing the vast business opportunities of IoT

E Ink Chairman and CEO Frank Ko explained that the business results in 2017 showed steady growth. In addition to continuing to cultivate the digital reading market for e-readers, they are also promoting business operations for electronic shelf labels, smart labels, smart cards, electronic signage, and mobile and wearable device applications. Among these business operations, new retail applications are rapidly becoming popular in the European, North American, and Chinese markets. Furthermore, the electronic shelf label business is experiencing stable growth, and continues to be one of the company’s most important growth drivers.

With regards to development in 2018, Frank Ko pointed out that based on the following two major businesses: consumer electronics and IoT, E Ink will realize the diversification of product applications, increase the speed of time to market from technological development, and continue to create new market applications. They will also establish ecospheres and partnerships which are ideal for a variety of different applications.

In addition, in terms of technological development, the preliminary preparation for the technology transfer to mass production of ACeP will also be completed this year, and they will continue to promote ACeP products and business applications.

(TR/ Phil Sweeney)

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