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IEK Announces World’s First Asian-Perspective Technology Survey: AI and 6G Crown

By Korbin Lan
Published: Nov 12,2018

TAIPEI, Taiwan - Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) last week launched the publication “Exploration Technology: Technology in Asia – Industry and Innovation” and proposed ten key prospective future Asian technologies. According to the survey results, in 2030 Asia will look like a “clean and efficient society with prosperous human-machine interactions,” and as important keys to national development, artificial intelligence technologies and machine learning technologies will be most important.

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Facing future trends in global innovation, ITRI is collaborating with the United States’ Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) to carry out the first survey of prospective Asian technologies. After carrying out a survey questionnaire of experts and research institutes in Japan, Singapore, Korea, Taiwan, Mainland China, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, and India, the Top 10 items of technological development in Asia were proposed and compared with key global technologies.

According to the survey results, the ten key forward-looking technologies in Asia are artificial intelligence/machine learning (digital technologies), 6G mobile communications technologies (digital technologies), self-driving vehicles (smart machinery), blockchain (digital technology), new energy vehicles (green energy and environmental protection), service robots (smart machinery), industrial robots (smart machinery), solid-state batteries (advanced materials), nanotechnology (advanced materials), and environmentally-friendly materials (advanced materials).

In addition, advanced medical technologies, including genetic medicine, cell medicine, and organ printing, as well as carbon reduction and renewable energy technologies directed at the effects of climate change may also become important technologies which are difficult to popularize in 2030.

(TR/ Phil Sweeney)

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