Taipei, Saturday, Sep 28, 2024, 05:23


Facebook Celebrates Relocation of Taiwan Office – Vows to Develop Technology Together

By Korbin Lan
Published: Apr 15,2019

TAIPEI, Taiwan - Facebook last week celebrated the relocation of a headquarters office to Taiwan. Executive Yuan Vice Premier Chen Chi-mai was in attendance and expressed his affirmation of Facebook’s development and strengthening of digital and technological domains in Taiwan. Vice President of Asia Pacific at Facebook Dan Neary also participated in the event, demonstrating the importance which Facebook attaches to the Taiwanese market.

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Facebook stated that the hosting of this event symbolizes a new beginning, and in the future Facebook will provide Taiwan with more comprehensive services while simultaneously establishing more meaningful links.

Dan Neary explained that Facebook has 19 million users in Taiwan, and the equivalent of 98% of Internet users in Taiwan are also Facebook users. Furthermore, 95% of them are daily users of the mobile edition.

Dan Neary said, “We vow to fight for the economy, technology, and talent together with Taiwan.”

During his speech, Executive Yuan Vice Premier Chen Chi-mai claimed that “I am a happy user of Facebook.” He also stated that today’s “entrance into Taiwan” reflects the importance which Facebook places on Taiwan, and it will enable Taiwan to be more connected and closely linked to the world.

(TR/ Phil Sweeney)

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