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76% of IC Products Expected to See Flat/Negative Growth in 2019, Says IC Insights

Published: Aug 08,2019

IC Insights forecasted that the growth rates of IC product in 2019 are expected to be heavily weighted toward the negative side of the chart, with nine segments forecast to see a sales decline of 10% or more and 16 product categories expected to experience flat sales or a single-digit decline in revenue growth.

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Eight of 33 IC product categories are forecast to see an increase in sales in 2019, led by Industrial/Other—Special Purpose Logic, which is forecast to jump 38% this year, followed by Display Drivers and PLDs. In 2018, 22 IC product categories experienced sales growth—16 of those with at least 10% growth.

After two years of leading the industry in sales growth, the DRAM market is forecast to face the biggest decline this year, ranking it at the bottom of the 2019 sales growth list (Figure 2). NAND flash and SRAM are expected to join DRAM as the only categories with weaker growth than the total IC market (-15%).

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