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Advantech Changes Its Organization for Seizing Smart City and Industry 4.0 Business

By Korbin Lan
Published: Aug 03,2015

TAIPEI, Taiwan - Advantech, a Taiwanese intelligent systems provider, announced the change of it organization at the investor conference in response to the trends of smart city and Industry 4.0 business.

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Highlights of Advantech’s organizational change are as follows:

- Seven department units merged into three major business sectors

- Business organization transform to Sector Sales

- Optimize the operation of organization and benefits of resource integration

Chaney Ho, president of Advantech, said that Advantech are aware of its role in the value chain of IoT. Thus, the company proposed three phase strategies for the IoT evolution. The first phase, to increase market share; the second phase, finds new opportunities to growth by alliances and innovation to; the third phase, teamwork with specific system integrators via collaboration and incubation.

For the expansion of smart city and smart factory, Advantech will focus on the smart transportation, retail, healthcare, architecture, digital logistics and fleet management; in terms of smart factory, Advantech will move toward to Industry 4.0 with Manufacturing Execution System(MES), production records, production test equipment, machine monitoring, preventive maintenance, labor-saving, automation and factory environmental monitoring.

Chaney Ho believed that with the maturity of the IoT technology day by day and the understanding of this concept to public, the design of product will be affected by intelligent design, Maker and a large number of customization.

He pointed out that, in order to cater for such kinds of trends, Advantech’s organization will be significantly changed, from product to industry, from the regional sale to the global Integration which is the implementation of the industry-oriented concept(Sector-Lead), and hope to reach the optimization of the organization operating and resource integration.

Chaney Ho stressed that the three new business sectors can not only to leverage synergy effect in production and R&D, but also to grow the capability of globalization. By executing this step, it will widen the vision of executives of each business sectors and train future successors to sustain business operation of Advantech.

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