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Faraday Unveils the Success of Projector ASICs Covering 4K/8K Projector

Published: Apr 12,2018

HSINCHU, Taiwan - Faraday Technology Corporation today unveiled the success of projector ASICs, covering high-end 4K/8K projector, head-up display (HUD), AR, and 3D sensing pico-projector applications for top-tier projector manufacturers in Japan, USA, and Taiwan.

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By leveraging its design methodology and IP customization capability, Faraday leads the industry in providing robust ASIC solutions for full range of DLP, LBS, LCD, and LCoS-based projector display devices.

Faraday’s solution contains an abundance of self-developed high-speed interface IPs such as MIPI, V-by-One, LVDS, LPDDR 2/3, and DDR 3/4, the IPs can also be customized based on the specific requirements of high-resolution and high-bandwidth projector SoC (System-on-Chip).

In addition, Faraday’s projector ASICs can take advantage of DRAM-less system design to avoid future production issues caused by the DRAM shortage. Its sophisticated SRAM macros allow silicon cost reduction by shrinking up to 30% of SRAM size, and increasing chip yields by up to 10% while utilizing its SRAM Redundancy & Repair design.

“Faraday is the pioneer vendor in implementing mainstream display controller ASICs, and is able to customize the high-speed transmission interface to include hundreds of lanes based on customer’s request,” said Flash Lin, Chief Operating Officer of Faraday. “Following our success shipping millions of projector SoCs, we are confident we can work in collaboration with customers leveraging imaging innovations related to growing market opportunities.”

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