Taipei, Saturday, Sep 28, 2024, 07:28


Taiwan Communications Industry Shipment Value to Reach US$116B in 2019

Published: Sep 03,2018

Taipei-based, government-backed IT research institute MIC (Market Intelligence & Consulting Institute) predicted that shipment value of the Taiwanese communications industry will grow 6.2% year-on-year to NTD 3.4 trillion in 2018, further to NTD 3.5 trillion (USD116 billion) in 2019.

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"Mobile handheld devices account for over 60% of the industry's shipment value this year and smartphones continue to be the major growth contributor. This is due largely in part to the better-than-expected sales performance of Taiwan's major clients like Apple, Huawei, and Xiaomi, and the increase in smartphone's average selling price," says Chien-Hsun Lee, Research Director with MIC.

"Furthermore, Taiwanese manufacturers - especially those with production bases located in India and outside of China - are likely to acquire orders from phone brands in 2019 due to the possibility of the China-US trade war spilling over to smartphones and the shift in supply chains aligned with the Make-in-India initiative."

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