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Wearable Device Market Budding, Smartwatch Come First

Published: Dec 02,2013


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TSMC Morris Chang Play Host to Chen Deming

(Taipei, Taiwan) Association for relations across the Taiwan straits Chairman Chen Deming on Thursday visited TSMC 14th factory, hosted by Morris Chang, Chairman of TSMC, who also made a brief speech for the Chen’s delegation...

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LCD Monitor Brands Boost Year-end Shipment, Lifting October Result

According to the survey by Witsview, the global top ten LCD monitor brands’ shipment in October 2013 rose 0.2% from September and dipped from the same period last year. SI makers’ October shipment declined 4.4% from September but grew 5...

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Asia Pacific Metrology Organization General Assembly Returned to Taipei

( Taipei, Taiwan ) The Asia Pacific Metrology Programme (APMP) held in Taipei on November 24 to 29, which is once again back to Taipei since 1999. The participants of the General Assembly included Australia , Japan, Australia , South Korea other 30 economies , more than 300 domestic and foreign experts to participate in the conference...

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Compal,Compal Communications Merger

(Taipei , Taiwan) Compal Electronics announced the completed the first phase of the acquisition of outstanding common stock, Compal currently holds 90.39% stake of Compal Communications , the second phase of the acquisition will be cash merger...

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HP, Dell and Sony Accounted for 50% of Taiwan's Foreign Purchase

(Taipei, Taiwan) According to MIC survey that foreign purchases in Taiwan in 2013 amounted to approximately USD$ 91.7 billion, Hewlett-Packard, Dell and Sony ranked the top three, total purchase amount up to about USD$ 45 billion almost 50% of total foreign purchases...

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Gartner :Smart Watches Will Not Dominate the Holiday Season

Despite the hype surrounding smart watches, they are unlikely to be featured on many consumers' holiday wish lists this year, according to Gartner, Inc. Gartner said that premium pricing paired with an unclear value proposition will steer consumers' spending toward tablets and fitness bands, leading to lackluster sales of smart watches this holiday season...

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